Making Use of Time and Why it Matters

Reading time: 2 minutes

You’ve probably all heard that old phrase, ‘how do you make God laugh? Tell Him your plans!’ There’s a lot of truth in that. After all, we don’t always know what is around the corner.
But at the same time, it’s important to recognize that our time is a resource. It is a gift to us from God and what we do with it matters.

A Time for Everything

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 reminds us that “for everything, there is a season, A time for every activity under heaven”. For all of us, there are times when God is calling us to build something new and there are times He is calling us to let go. There are times of speaking out and times of silence. Times of growth and times of rest. What we need is the wisdom to discern the season that we are in right now. To listen for God’s voice in our lives to know what we are called to. And to trust God that everything will work out in his perfect timing.

Making use of Time

We can’t know everything that is around the corner. But we can take the time to discern the season we are in and, most importantly, to do the best we can with it. We can commit ourselves to make good use of our time. To think carefully and plan how we use this precious resource that we can never get more of. Perhaps for you, this is a season of delving more deeply into the Bible, a time to build yourself up spiritually for all that God is calling you to do. Or perhaps this is a season of rest. A time to journal and to dream. Perhaps you are in a time of waiting, or perhaps this is a time of action.

Whatever the season you are in right now, can I encourage you to really be in it? God brings us the seasons of our life for a reason. Make the most of the time you have, and make the most of this season. God makes no mistakes and you are right where you are meant to be.

how to make time for God

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